Exploration Sunrise

September 12
Where better to start than the waters that surround us?
What lives beneath tampa bay? We're
ending off the day by heading out on a boat
to find out.

Harbor Seal
Probably the coolest "land animal"
Comb Jelly
There's a lesson to be learned from these guys, they have no fins, no gills, no eyes, nothing...

Exploration Hatchling
September 18-19
Crystal clear waters, colorful reefs, and newly born sea turtles crawling towards the sea. Could it get any better? Well, maybe...

You would think it impossible for such a simple creature to make it in such a big ocean...
And yet everynight you can watch them glow as they soar through the dark waters. They are truly " the stars of the sea"
Exploration Wharfside
October 3
This semester we will have the
opportunity to collect quite a few things.
From scallops and shells to moon jellies.
But one of the coolest will be sailing out and
collecting bottlenose dolphin calls.

Sea Turtle Hatchling
Somehow, years later,
they find their way back to the very same
beach they were born on.
Sleeping under the stars is nothing compared to beluga whales, whale sharks, and tens of thousands of other sea animals from the north pole and the south.
I think I might never get the picture out of my head. Our club and the world's largest aquarium. All to ourselves.
Exploration Aquatura
October 16-17

Exploration Seacow
October 30

What animal lives in Florida, loves sea grass,
and swims as fast as grass grows?
Manta Ray
Some have a wingspan of 29 feet
Exploration Manta
November 13-14

Not long ago, a marine biologist
discovered a manta nursery off the florida
We are heading out to see it for
ourselves. And who better to take us
then a captain who's chartered the waters
for years, and the very marine biologist
who discovered it.
Bring your goggles!

Camping on an island in a lagoon filled with bioluminescent comb jellies.
Exploration Abyss
December 3-4
About 25 miles off the coast of Miami &
Lauderdale, countless sperm whale
sightings have occurred.
Will we be able to add another?

Humpback Whale
They've been know to protect seals, gray whales, and even people from predators.
Hammerhead Shark
Scientists named them this because their head looks like a hammer